Food Scraps Pickup Program FAQ

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Program Overview

Why collect food scraps?

Food scraps make up about 20% of trash by weight collected in Ramsey and Washington counties. The Food Scraps Pickup Program turns collected food scraps back into soil, rather than waste.

Does this mean I don't need to worry about food waste?

Food that goes uneaten wastes money and resources, and negatively impacts the environment. Reducing food waste is the most environmentally preferred strategy for waste management, before food scrap recycling and composting. Learn more about food waste reduction.

Why collect food scraps in food scrap bags instead of separate carts?

The Food Scraps Pickup Program uses special bags, called “food scrap bags”. With this system, food scrap bags and bags of trash all go in the same trash cart, trash chute or dumpster.

Food scrap bags are a more efficient and cost-effective method of collecting food scraps from Ramsey and Washington County residents’ homes because:

  • According to the counties' analysis, a system using food scrap bags costs ten times less than a system that uses separate collection carts.
  • Food scrap bags do not require additional collection days, collection carts, or hauling trucks
  • Using food scrap bags instead of a separate cart system keeps fewer collection trucks on the road resulting in fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Food scrap bags allows all residents to participate, regardless of their housing type, city or hauler.

What happens to my food scrap bag after I put it in my trash cart, trash chute or dumpster?

Your trash hauler will pick up your trash, with the food scrap bags, on your regular collection day.

The trash and food scrap bags are then brought to the Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy Center (R&E) in Newport, where the food scrap bags are separated from your trash by machinery that is programmed to recognize and separate the bags. Note that only residents in eligible communities will have their food scrap bags separated from the trash.

The food scrap bags and their contents are then sent to an industrial composting facility and turned into nutrient-rich soil called “compost.”

View the “What happens after collection?” video on the Learn More page to see how the process works.

How can the food scrap bags withstand the trip in a garbage truck?

Food scrap bags provided by the Food Scraps Pickup Program are specifically designed for this program. These bags are different than the ones offered at county food scrap drop-off sites and those currently sold at retailers or online. The bags are about three times as thick as a grocery store plastic bag and meet special standards for strength. The counties have tested the bags in actual loads of garbage to ensure they don’t break during transit. Only the program-provided food scrap bags can be collected and separated from the trash, other compostable bags will not work for this program.

How are the bags sorted from the trash?

Robotic sorting technology will be used to separate the food scrap bags from the trash. View the “What happens after collection?” video on the Learn More page to see how the process works.

How is the food scrap pickup program being paid for?

Ramsey and Washington counties are funding parts of this program with funds from the County Environmental Charge (CEC) that each county collects. This service charge is included on your waste collection bill and funds both counties’ waste programs.

The improvements at the Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy Center to separate food scrap bags from the trash for composting are funded by a grant from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), which was part of the 2020 Minnesota State bonding bill. Facility improvements are also funded by the fee that trash haulers pay to deliver trash to the R&E Center.

Will Ramsey and Washington counties' food scrap drop-off sites still be available?

Yes. The Food Scraps Pickup Program will be one part of a larger system for collecting food scraps. You may prefer the drop-off sites or backyard composting - do what works best for you!

Find more information about your county’s food scrap drop-off sites below:

Will this service be available to businesses?

Not at this time. Ramsey and Washington counties are exploring this possibility.

Program Participation

When will the program be available to me?

The Food Scraps Pickup Program is rolling out to residents of Ramsey and Washington counties over multiple years and will eventually be available to all residents of the two counties. See if you are currently eligible to participate.

The timeline of the program rollout is being determined by working closely with our facilities and partners to plan for the continued expansion of the program. Learn more about the program rollout.

How much does it cost to participate?

Program participation is FREE to residents of Ramsey and Washington counties. All participants will be provided with an annual free supply of food scrap bags after creating an account and placing a bag order.

How do I get food scrap bags?

You can order them on the program website or call 651-661-9393 (multi-lingual options available) to get started. Food scrap bags are shipped directly to your household.

How frequently do I get a free supply of food scrap bags?

You can order a free supply of food scrap bags on an annual basis. The supply of 60 bags is intended to last about a year as it is recommended to change your food scrap bag about once a week. After a year, you will receive an email reminder to order your next supply of food scrap bags.

If you need additional food scrap bags within a year of ordering your annual supply, log into your account or call customer service at 651-661-9393 to place another free bag order. You will be prompted to complete a survey that will help the Food Scraps Pickup Program learn more about bag use. Once you complete the survey you will be able to place a second bag order.

*Residents who have placed more than 2 bag orders within a year will be contacted by staff before receiving additional orders.

How do I choose which size food scrap bag to order?

Food scrap bags come in two sizes:

  • 6-gallon (about the size of a bathroom trash can)
  • 13-gallon (about the size of a kitchen trash can)

In program testing, the smaller bag size (6-gallon) was the preferred size for most households. Consider the following factors in deciding which bag size will work best for you:

  • Storage: What size container do you plan to use with the bags? The 6-gallon bags work better with smaller containers. See ideas for home set up.
  • Home/kitchen size: The 6-gallon bags may work better for smaller spaces.
  • Household size: Larger families may prefer the 13-gallon bags.
  • Cooking frequency: If you cook a lot, you might have more food scraps and may prefer the 13-gallon bags.

Do you provide a food scraps collection container?

No, the Food Scraps Pickup Program does not provide collection containers.

Does it matter which hauler I use?

No. All residents of Ramsey and Washington counties can participate regardless of the hauler. This program works within the current waste system, meaning there are no changes to how haulers operate or pick up trash.

What container should I use, and where should I store it?

There is not one correct set-up to participate in the Food Scraps Pickup Program! There are many different kinds and sizes of containers that can be used for food scrap collection. We recommend finding a container and place to keep it that works best for you. View possible storage and set up options.

Will collecting food scraps make my home smell?

Using food scrap bags is just a different way of collecting the same material that's currently going in your trash. Like your trash, if you take your food scrap bags out to your garbage cart or dumpster regularly, odors should not be an issue.

What should I do if I am experiencing unwanted smells or pests around my food scraps container?

Just like when food scraps are in your regular trash bin, over time they can begin to smell or attract pests— this is a very normal experience! Finding solutions to address these issues can require some creative problem-solving. Here are some ideas for where to start:

  • Consider storing your food scraps somewhere new, like in the fridge or freezer, in your garage or under your sink!
  • Consider finding a storage container with a lid to help prevent smells or pests from going to or coming from your food scraps.
  • Try taking your food scrap bags out more frequently. We recommend taking your food scrap bags out once a week. You don’t always need to wait until the bag is full!

Can I get finished compost if I participate in the program?

Compost derived from the material collected by the Food Scraps Pickup Program will not be provided to participants.

Can I participate if I'm enrolled in the Safe at Home program?

Yes. If you are a Safe at Home participant, please contact customer service at 651-661-9393 and ask to leave a message for program staff to assist you. You will be contacted by a staff member who will help you create an account and order bags. To participate, you must live in one of eligible communities.

Food Scrap Bags

How are food scrap bags different than other compostable bags?

Food scrap bags are durable and compostable. They are thicker than the compostable bags currently used at county drop-off sites and those sold in retail stores or online. Food scrap bags are specially designed to withstand the trip in a garbage truck. Only the program-provided food scrap bags can be collected and separated from the trash, other compostable bags will not work for this program.

I prefer smaller compostable bags. Why aren't these provided as part of this program?

Smaller bags cannot be detected by the robotic technology that separates the food scrap bags from the trash.

What can I put in my food scrap bags? And what can't I put in them?

A complete list of items that can and cannot be put in your food scrap bags is available on the Learn More page.

Are pizza boxes accepted?

Pizza boxes are NOT accepted by the Food Scraps Pickup Program. They take up a lot of space in food scrap bags and are not the main material the program intends to collect.

A better solution for pizza boxes is to recycle them! Many recycling haulers will collect pizza boxes for recycling. Check with your hauler to see if they accept pizza boxes. If not, you can bring pizza boxes to a county food scraps drop-off site.

Visit the Ramsey County drop-off sites page or Washington County drop-off sites page for more information.

How full does my food scrap bag have to be?

Food scrap bags do not need to be filled to any certain level to be separated from the trash. We recommend leaving extra room at the top of your bag to ensure it can be tied closed properly.

How do I tie the bag?

Tie the top of the food scrap bag like you would tie a balloon. Learn how to tie your food scrap bag by watching this video. Tying the bags correctly helps ensure that the bag and its contents make it through the collection and separation process.

It is difficult for me to tie the food scrap bag. Do you have any suggestions to make it easier?

Consider ordering the larger (13-gallon) food scrap bags and leave more room at the top of the bag before tying. This can make it easier to tie.

What do I do if a food scrap bag breaks?

Put the torn food scrap bag and its contents into a new food scrap bag and put it in your trash cart or dumpster.

My bag is leaking. What should I do?

If your food scrap bag appears to be leaking or is very wet, place the leaking or wet bag inside of a new food scrap bag, tie it shut and place it in your trash cart or dumpster for collection.

To avoid bag leakage or wetness, try draining excess liquids from your food scraps before disposing of them and ensure that you are not disposing of liquids in your food scrap bags. Some items, in excess, may cause leakage or wetness. Examples might include pasta sauces, soups or dairy products like yogurt or cottage cheese. Liquids and excess wetness may impact the integrity of the bag and its ability to survive the trip in a garbage truck.

If you observe a manufacturing issue with your supply of food scrap bags, please contact our customer service at 651-661-9393 or complete a contact form for assistance.

Can I use other compostable bags?

No, you must use food scrap bags provided by the Food Scraps Pickup Program which are designed to hold up on the trip in a garbage truck and be detected by machinery that will separate them from the trash. Other bags sold in stores or online will not be identified for separation and may not withstand the trip in a garbage truck.

Can I put smaller compostable bags inside larger compostable bags?

Yes, but the bags must be BPI-certified and be put into Food Scraps Pickup Program-provided food scrap bag for collection. Bags will only be sorted from the trash if they are inside of the county-provided bags. If you purchase other bags, look for the BPI certification logo pictured below.

Leaf logo with BPI Compostable text<\/p>

Is it ok to put food scrap bags inside regular trash bags?

No, the food scrap bags will not be identified for separation from the trash if they are inside a regular trash bag.

How do I store the bags before use?

Unused food scrap bags should be stored in a cool, dry location. Excess moisture and heat may damage the bags. It is recommended you use your food scrap bag supply within a year of your order date.

When do food scrap bags expire? What do I do with expired bags?

It is recommended you use your food scrap bag supply within a year of your order date.

Expired food scrap bags can be put in an unexpired food scrap bag and placed in your trash for collection. You can also bring expired food scrap bags to a community drop-off site and place them in the food scraps dumpster.

What should I do with unwanted food scrap bags?

The Food Scraps Pickup Program does not accept returns. Give your unwanted food scraps bags to a friend or community member who is eligible to participate in the program, so they can be used.

Orders & Account

Additional Help

If I have feedback for the program, where can I provide it?

We welcome your input! The Food Scraps Pickup Program model has not been implemented at this scale before. Ramsey and Washington counties will be evaluating and adjusting the new program throughout the program rollout. Please use our contact form to provide us with your feedback.

Still have questions?

Please call our customer service line at 651-661-9393 or use our contact form for help with additional questions.