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Ntaus koj qhov chaw nyob yog tias xav paub txog kev pab cuam muaj nyob rau hauv koj lub zej zog
Qhov chaw nyob ua lag luam yog dab tsi?
Qhov kev pab cuam no tsis muaj rau cov lag luam tam sim no. Cov nroog Ramsey thiab Washington tam tom tshawb xyuas seb puas tsim nyog muaj cov kev pabcuam rau cov lag luam nyob rau yav tom ntej.
Cov lag luag muaj xws li cov lag luam ntiag tug, cov lag luam tsis vam txiaj ntsig thiab cov koom haum nyob hauv lub nroog Ramsey lossis Washington County. Muaj li no, tab sis tsis tas li no thiab, cov khws noj mov, cov khws muag khoom, khws ua zaub mov, tsev laus, tsev so, tsev ua haujlwm thiab tsev kawm ntawv.
Yog xav paub kev pabcuam txog cov khoom coj los siv dua rau cov lag luam, thov mus, hu rau peb ntawm BizRecyling program at 651-266-1199 lossis email
Yog tias koj ua lag luam los ntawm koj lub tsev, qhov ntawd txhais tau tias nws yog ib qhov chaw nyob .
Khij lub npov no yog tias koj qhov chaw nyob yog ib qhov chaw nyob thiab tsis yog ib qhov chaw lag luam kom txuas ntxiv mus.
Tseem muaj lus nug? Mus saib txais tos qhov keb pabcuam. *Tseem hloov tau caij nyoog.
The Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy Board (R&E Board) is asking that you provide the information indicated above. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required to receive food scrap bags and other important information about the program. You are not legally required to participate in the program, but the R&E Board cannot fulfill your request without this information. The R&E Board will only share your information with those outside the R&E Board as required by state or federal law.